
I have the Photo Galleries ready to receive photos. If you have old photos or wedding photos or family group photos to share, please use the Contact Us page to send them to Ed Uden to put on your gallery page. We would love to share some old photos of grandparents from years ago if you have them. If you don’t have a scanner, use your cell phone, take a photo and send me the photo. I can crop it and try make it look nice. If you use the Contact Us page, you have room to put a description or tell me who is in the photo, etc. That info would be helpful on the gallery pages as well.

I am still working on all of the Family Group Sheets. If yours is not posted or updated, please print off a blank copy and fill it out and then send me a scan or photo of that page, or bring it to the reunion. I want to get that information updated as well.

Thank you for your patience as I update this site. This has been a hobby that I’m enjoying and I appreciate those of you who are helping with information on this.

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